Mount Royal Cemetery: A prominent resting place for Montreal Scots
Today’s members of the St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal are fortunate to enjoy the legacies handed down by past leaders of the Montreal’s Scottish community. Another legacy can be found in the Mount Royal Cemetery where welfare committees of the Society have buried people of Scottish descent since 1857.
As the Society is rarely called on to bury people, we are making some of the remaining space available to our members for the burial of their cremated remains. This is a unique opportunity for you to secure an excellent location in the cemetery with a unique connection to the Society and to Scotland. While it will not be possible for you to place a personalized headstone, there is a shared headstone (pictured here), and the names and burial locations of any member would be noted in the records of the cemetery and the Society. A limited number of burial rights are being made available for $500 per urn, over and above the cemetery’s regular charges of roughly $1,000. Members interested in purchasing a burial right are invited to contact the Society’s office at [email protected] or 514-842-2030. You can download a list of burials (1857–1985) in the St. Andrew's Society section of the Mount Royal Cemetery here: